Bacon egg and cheese muffin

Crispy bacon & cheese omelette muffins

Everyone loves an egg sandwich for breakfast, but what about an omelette sandwich? Or better still, a cheesy omelette toasted muffin, with crispy bacon! Like with most of our recipes, you could have a play with the ingredients to use up leftovers from the fridge. It’s all about trial and error…

Serves 2


  • 2 English muffins
  • 4 Respectful eggs
  • 6-8 rashers of streaky bacon
  • 100g grated cheddar cheese
  • 1 large knob of butter
  • A dash of olive oil
  • A small bunch of chives, thinly sliced
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper



1. Set a small to medium sized non-stick frying pan over a medium to high heat. Add the olive oil and when’s it’s hot, add the rashers of bacon to the pan. Fry them for a few minutes on each side until golden and crisping round the edges. Lift the bacon out and keep warm to the side.

2. With the pan still on the heat, split the muffins in half and place them cut side down into the hot bacon fat. Sizzle them until their cut surfaces begin to crisp up a little. Lift the warm muffins out of the pan.

3. Whisk two of the eggs together in a bowl and season them with salt and pepper. Add half the butter to the pan, and when it’s bubbling away, pour it into the bowl of whisked eggs and stir to combine. Return the pan to the heat and when it’s really hot, pour in the buttery eggs. Move them around the pan tipping, tilting and agitating the eggs with the end of a wooden spoon. After 30 to 40 seconds, scatter over the cheese followed by the snipped chives.

4. Ease a spatula under one side of omelette and fold gently over, then over again so it’s a quarter of its size. Slide the omelette out onto the warm muffin, top with half the bacon and pop the top on. Repeat this process for the second muffin. Enjoy!

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