Air fry(er) up

A fully loaded English breakfast that’s effortless and eco-friendly, say hello to our air fryer fry up or as we call it ‘Air Fry(er) Up’. Crispy bacon, bronze sausages, perfect mushrooms, rich plum toms, and silky eggs – just how you like them. We think this has made Britain’s favourite breakfast all the more loveable!



Preparation Time

15 minutes


  • 2 plum tomatoes, halved
  • Cooking spray
  • 4 sausages (we like THIS Isn’t Pork Plant-Based Sausages)
  • 200g chestnut mushrooms, sliced
  • 4 rashers smoked streaky bacon (we like THIS Isn’t Streaky Plant-Based Bacon)
  • 4 Respectful eggs
  • 2 slices sourdough bread
  • A generous knob of unsalted butter


  1. Preheat the airfryer at 180°C.
  2. Season the cut sides of the plum tomatoes and spray with some cooking spray. Place in the air fryer along with the sausages. Cook for 3 mins.
  3. Toss the mushrooms in some cooking spray and add to the air fryer. Turn the sausages. Cook for another 2 mins. Season and beat the eggs in a lightly greased small heatproof container or dish that will fit in the air fryer. Cook for 2 mins.
  4. Give the eggs a stir and arrange the bacon next to the sausages, removing the mushrooms to make some space. Cook for another 3-4 mins, stirring the eggs halfway until cooked to your liking.
  5. Remove everything to two plates and lay the slices of bread into the air fryer. Toast for a final 1-2 mins.
  6. Butter the toast, serve and enjoy!

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