The Future is Respectful

We’re good eggs!

In fact, we’re the UK’s first carbon neutral egg, launching on a Sainsbury’s shelf near you from Wednesday 13th October 2021!

At Respectful, we know that we are part of something much bigger than the egg industry and are proud to be part of a community taking steps to make the world of tomorrow a little better than it is today. From farm to table, we want to inspire you to carefully consider the world we live in and join our path to a more respectful future.

Working closely with Climate Partner, we reviewed and scrutinised our eggs’ journey, pioneering a new process to bring you eggs that won’t cost the Earth.

Our first step was to carefully choose our brilliant white hens, who are naturally eco-friendly. They are significantly more productive than our brown-feathered friends and naturally lower their carbon footprint – just by being themselves. We committed to growing local, soya-free feed for our hens, meaning that we have eliminated deforestation from our supply chain. We also contribute to important projects in South American regions highly affected by deforestation as a result of soya production, helping to give back to these beautiful but vulnerable places.

Moving towards a sustainable future and using as much renewable energy as we can is part of our promise to giving the planet a helping hand. We have mounted solar panels across our farm, including on the roofs of our hen houses and sheds to soak up the glorious rays (when the British weather allows that is!) Both our farm and packing centre benefit from the energy gathered from the panels.

Climate change is one of the defining issues of our times. Our little eggs have big dreams – to one day not only be carbon neutral, but to achieve ‘net zero’ status. For us, becoming carbon neutral is just the start of our journey – it’s our story for today.

Find out more about our journey to carbon neutral on the What We Do section of our website, or head to our Climate Partner page.

Respectful will retail at selected Sainsbury’s, priced from £1.99 per pack of six, from Wednesday 13th October 2021.

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